Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wte Torpedoes vs Hearts Black 1-7

Saturday 30th April

Played at Centennial School, Waimate, 10.40am.

Player of the Day: Connor

Team Players: Noah, Rhys, Grace, Michaela and Connor.

Coach Rochelle said, "We played a 4 a side game with Hearts Black. All players worked really hard to get the ball up to our end as the Hearts defence was pretty strong and there was a few narrow misses at goal. Noah managed to score in the second half which really helped give the team a boost! Maybe those oranges and snakes helped at half time! Although they where tough competition all players should be proud, the Hearts scored 5 in the first half and only 2 in the second half which shows we managed to keep them out of the goal area with our defence. Well done team!"

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