Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New website for 2012

There is a new format for Waimate Junior Soccer for 2012.  Please go to :

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

2011 End of Season Awards

Most Improved in 6th Grade (Warriors) : Johnny Habershon

Outstanding Effort in 6th Grade (Warriors) : Flynn Rhodes

Most Improved in 7th Grade (Torpedoes) : Noah Oudemans

Outstanding Effort in 7th Grade (Torpedoes) : Jonathan Fish

Most Improved in 8th Grade (Giants) : Daniel Habershon

Outstanding Effort in 8th Grade (Giants) : Hannah Soper

Most Improved in 10th Grade (Thunder) : Kate Colvill

Outstanding Effort in 10th Grade (Thunder) : Alex Burke

Most Energetic Player Award – Juniors : Jordan Sew Hoy

Most Energetic Player Award – Seniors : Katarina Green

Waimate Junior Soccer Club Trophy for Most Promising Junior Player : Connor Bootsma

Hazel Fish Trophy for Most Promising Senior Player : Sudarshan Malla

Outstanding Team-Mate & Club Role Model for 2011 Season : Hamish Booth

End of season game - Seniors

End of season game - Juniors

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Coffee and cuppa

Thanks to all of you who have stopped by and enjoyed a hot drink or muffin this season. I have been able to put more than $180 into the funds of the Club, to directly benefit your children and their soccer experience.
Thanks, too, to those of who that have stepped in and looked after teas and coffees to allow me to step away and enjoy watching my boys play and take photos for the blog.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wte Warriors vs Temuka Wildcats 13-0

Played on Saturday 27th August 2011.

Played at Centennial School, Waimate at 10:40am

Wte Torpedoes vs Thistle Lions 9-0

Played on Saturday 27th August 2011.

Played at Centennial School, Waimate at 10:00am

Player of the day: Jaden